
Hey there I am Lisa a mum of 3 , I have been married for 14 years and my children are 8,13 and 15. My daughter is 8 and in the process of diagnosis for dispraxia and high functioning autism. I received no support from my GP who I went to 2 years ago and then my SENCO at daughters school helped get things moving. We saw a peadiatrician in October and are awaiting an OT appointment a follow up appointment with consultant I feel like I'm in a bubble and no one understands me at Presant , our daughter needs the support but finding it is so difficult xxx

  • Hi, I was told earlier on this year my 15 year old son has asburgers, but on a 1 to 10 scale ( 1 being the mildest ) hes a 1 to a 2 so wont be getting a statment. I have reserched as much as possibe to get information, and have tried to get help from school, but feel totally alone and helpless. His diet is terrible as he will only eat a limited diet ( mainly bread and pasta ) and though hes very bright, his grades at school are falling. I would be very grateful if anyone could offer advice or surgest anyone to contact to get the school to help more, as they are not interested.