New to the forum

I have asked for medical opinion on having something in the autistic spectrum, one doctor said I was being silly.  That was 20 yrs ago, and since then, have had conflicting advice on getting a diagnosis.  One problem I felt - was that it would be on record and would affect getting work.  As I seem to cause trouble in my previous jobs for being outspoken, getting upset and stressed - I now work for myself, as this suits me.

I have been reading with interested female aspergers and this seems to be written about me!  I am so glad that I am not 'weird' and putting it on, getting over stressed, freaking out in crowded places for no apparent reason.  I am going to be 50 in a couple of weeks and still humming and haaing about getting a diagnosis.

I know deep in my bones that I am not considered normal like other people, I am odd, I still have my mother laugh about my odd childhood behaviour and my cousins remember me sniffing all my food before I would eat it. 

Well, thats me for now, hope I can add my opinions and stories to the forum!

  • I suppose a diagnosis wont make much difference - just thought it would be something 'real' to prove I am the way I am.  So i can understand and prove to my family also I suppose.

    I had a huge upheaval last week, and had a complete meltdown over it, and it rather frightened me.

    Thanks for your reply, i will think on it more. cheers

  • I suppose the main thing to consider is whether or not a diagnosis will have any effect on your life. If it is not getting in the way, then why bother unless it will make you happier/more content in some way?

    If it is causing problems and you feel you need support then diagnosis is a way to access that support.

    For me diagnosis was a way of making work possible (well for a while).