Hiya everyone

Hiya everyone

I am not 100% sure how to use this yet, just trying to figure it all out. I hope I am doing it right!

I'm Helen from Liverpool. I have a 2 year old son who is 3 in Feb who I absolutely adore but I am really feeling over whelmed and alone lately. My boy is due for diagnosis next month. I find Autism hard to cope with sometimes and would love to be part of a community were we can help each other and share advice. I research a lot of stuff (which I am not sure is a good or bad thing) Some days I feel like I am getting somewhere with my little boy then other days just feel hopeless and worried.

We were told in Jan of this year by a paediatrician that he was Autistic. Since then I have been mostly very positive and been determined to help my son in any way possible. It is just lately, particulary the last few weeks I have started to feel over whelmed. My boy is doing well but he is a big boy for his age and the bigger he is getting the more I find it hard to control him. He had a melt down the other day and I had to restrain him as he is getting so strong when he hits out. I got some horrible looks and I know people look at him like he is a naughty boy. I was sat on the floor with him with tears in my eyes and just thought to myself why am I being judged here, My poor boy is struggling and is hitting out through frustration not bad behaviour. 

I guess I have come on here hoping to hear some positive stories and advice and also be nice to not feel so alone. My hubby is lovely but doesn't have our son as much as me. My family and friends are supportive but they don't fully understand

Anyway just thought I'd say Hello and hopefully will get the hang of this Smile x



  • Hi Dancer89 - you sound like a really good mum, so don't worry too much Smile.  The attitudes of others can be rather soul-destroying because they make presumptions about why a child is behaving in a certain way,  It can be hurtful but it's up to you how you deal with it.  Some people give a short explanation, some people just ignore the looks, some people tell them to get lost!  Autism isn't well understood by the general public.  They try to understand it through their own non-autistic experiences.  On the home pg there's a link where you can check if there are any autism organisations in your area so have a look if you haven't already.  Have you been able to work out why your son gets upset/has a meltdown?  Sometimes it's a sensory thing, noise, taste, smell, bright lights etc can all be overwhelming.  Changes to routine can also cause it, if he's expecting things to happen a certain way + then they don't.  Is he verbal or do you use pecs so he knows what's happening next.  Lots of understanding on here so ask whatever you want, whenever you want.

  • Hi Dancer89 - you sound like a really good mum, so don't worry too much Smile.  The attitudes of others can be rather soul-destroying because they make presumptions about why a child is behaving in a certain way,  It can be hurtful but it's up to you how you deal with it.  Some people give a short explanation, some people just ignore the looks, some people tell them to get lost!  Autism isn't well understood by the general public.  They try to understand it through their own non-autistic experiences.  On the home pg there's a link where you can check if there are any autism organisations in your area so have a look if you haven't already.  Have you been able to work out why your son gets upset/has a meltdown?  Sometimes it's a sensory thing, noise, taste, smell, bright lights etc can all be overwhelming.  Changes to routine can also cause it, if he's expecting things to happen a certain way + then they don't.  Is he verbal or do you use pecs so he knows what's happening next.  Lots of understanding on here so ask whatever you want, whenever you want.

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