Me: Dogman

I joined today. I am male and towards the end of my working years. In many ways I lead a "normal" life but for most of my life I know I wasn't what we now call "neurotypical".

To cut a long story short, I don't have an official diagnosis but in my doctor's opinion, I have Asperger's. For a long time, I thought I had dyspraxia and, indeed, I have many of those traits.

Of course, it may well be the case that I'm not extreme enough to be classified as "special needs" but I feel I need help with certain issues.

Firstly, I don't read facial expressions or body language well. It's just something I never learned instinctively.

Secondly, my social skills have got worse in the last few years because (again: long story) I only ever have conversations with my wife and daughter (grown up). Our daughter also has a disorder but I won't disclose it here, as I need to remain anonymous.

Does anyone recommend any reading material or websites that can help me to improve my interpersonal skills?

Many thanks, Dogman