Hello Everyone

Hello everyone - been looking at this site for several years now finaly just managed to post something - 4 years of 'diversionary tactics'. That time back then I read a newspaper article about Aspergers and had a 'lightbulb moment' - this sounds like me!! Didn't have a clue about this at all. I knew there was something wrong since childhood but growing up as a child in the '50's and a teenager in the '60s - 'aspiness' wasn't known about.

during early adulthood I tried various therapies - the types that are usually classified as Humanistic Therapies - encounter groups, bioenergetics,  gestalt etc. and these did help to boost my confidence to some extent but they obviously couldn't get to the root of the problem. I was also unable to get to the root of another problem - extreme difficulties in relationships - because I had been abused as a child by - I think - my mother - and I had fully repressed the memory of those incidents.

Once upon a time I did go to a doctor asking for help with depression but the doctor told me to just 'pull myself together and get on with it' so I burst into tears and ran out of the surgery and vowed never to go to a doctor ever again.

I have just got hold of Phillip Wylie's new book 'Very Late Diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome' which is very usefull book,
which I recomend for older people like me to get some guidance on this situation. He does say that the route forward to a
diagnosis is to go to a GP but my previous experience rules that out. Mr Wylie does point out that really the person anyone should go to should be a genuinely empathetic diagnostician.

I have managed to get out several years running now to the 'Autism Show' but that is as much as I can manage.

  • Hi semulum. I think it's disgraceful how that doctor treated you. I hope they got the sack. Like SproutsMa said though, not all GPs are like that fortunately. It may take some time, but eventually you should be able to find one that is helpful and understanding.

    With regards to confidence building, I have found that support forums such as these are very good at boosting one's self esteem. I hope you can find some answers in your journey towards diagnosis. Good luck!

  • Hello.

    Thanks for your reply.

    I will contact my local area NAS branch and see if they have someone I can talk to on a 1-2-1 basis. I am determined to do this but i find it very daunting.

  • Well its a great start - welcome.  Please dont think all docs are like that though.  Maybe your confidence could build a little and you might see them later on?

    I hope you find this place helpful.  I have and I only joined over the weekend.