CauliCheese Introduction

I'm married to a man with High Functioning Autism, relatively recently diagnosed, and we've been together for about 10 years.

I'm trying to read up more about the subject, recently started with 22 things a woman needs to know if she loves a man with Aspergers, which was useful and allowed us to have some quite productive conversations about the situation.

I still find it terribly difficult to deal with his outbursts and temper, and he can be very hurtful to me (only verbally, he is not physically abusive), e.g. saying that I've made a "stupid suggestion" or inferrring that something is my fault. Although I'm overall quite a strong person with a good career, I'm generally quite sensitive to critism in any situtaion, so this part is very hard for me. I hate it when anyone loses their temper or shouts.

So I'm going to read more on this website and maybe another book or two. Hopefully he will get some help soon, e.g. counselling or anger management, but although he says he hopes to get help when he starts a new course at University (mature student), I'm not particularly hopeful that this will be relationship type help, rather than help he needs for his studies.

Maybe see you around on the forums...

Best Regards,


  • No worries, life in an autistic household is liable to be chaotic and a bit unpredictable! 2 months on I'm also realising how much there is still to learn about my condition, I keep realising that more and more situations, present and past, are influenced by my hard coded instincts that aren't as normal as I thought they were. :-)

  • No worries, life in an autistic household is liable to be chaotic and a bit unpredictable! 2 months on I'm also realising how much there is still to learn about my condition, I keep realising that more and more situations, present and past, are influenced by my hard coded instincts that aren't as normal as I thought they were. :-)

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