Hi everyone

Hi all im mum to four children and have recieved news this week that is looking highly likely we will be soon recieiving a diagnosis of autism.

My little adopted daughter is 8 and since being a baby things have been difficult, I have been asking for help since she was 3 and when she was almost 6 we got referral to camhs, shes also seen a paediatrician, genetecist, educational psychologist and occupational therapist.

She has been assessed for foetal alcohol spectrum disorder which they havent been able to rule out and dont feel at the moment its appropriate to diagnose her birth mum did drink and take drugs during pregnancy.

Shes always been quite particular, stubborn and things have to be just right, she has a huge difficulty with clothes and things feeling right, her hair has to be done specific, always a pony tail and always in the exact spot touching her head right, her clothes are limited, after being assessed by occupational therapy she has sensory processing disorder struggling with vestibular, proprioceptive, tactile, auditory and visual processing.

In school shes about 12-18 months behind maybe a little more in her reading, she is on school action although as she has outside agencies involved camhs and OT im thinking it should be school action plus but not sure. Her OT has requested shes assessed for dyslexia, her IQ testing showed she has a borderline IQ of 84/85

In March she had the ados assessment followed by them going in to school to observe her, the school observation showed she was needy of adult attention and rarely managed more than a few minutes without needing the interaction or support however her friendship wasnt age appropriate and she often isolated herself, her expression was mostly blank and she only smiled once during her assessment. Her ados test came back with a score of 12 however as she also has attachment difficulties they are still assessing to ensure they make the right diagnosis. She does have many autistic behaviours as well as many that are attachment so we are awaiting an appointment for assessment from the attachment disorders team.

Does anyone know if the ados test would have scored like that for attachment or is that purely autistic behaviours?

Her camhs doctor said she likes to be thorough and 100% sure before giving out a diagnosis and although shes currently 90% certain she has autism and attachment she just wants a little longer to make that 100% which i am in agreement with. She said they also want to assess her for adhd after observing in school.

Just wondering if anyone else has gone through similar, I fully agree she has attachment difficulties and agree that she has many autistic behaviours as well but would be great to hear from other people in a similar situation.

  • Thanks coogybear you must have just posted as i was, i didnt see your reply before. I think you are right, i need to get her more support in school, i have always just sat back as the headteacher said there are more needy children and it kind of made me feel bad for asking but if she is indeed as needy as she was when they observed her in school keep needing adult interaction then surely the only way forward is too get her some one to one support

  • Thanks coogybear you must have just posted as i was, i didnt see your reply before. I think you are right, i need to get her more support in school, i have always just sat back as the headteacher said there are more needy children and it kind of made me feel bad for asking but if she is indeed as needy as she was when they observed her in school keep needing adult interaction then surely the only way forward is too get her some one to one support

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