Howdy Doody [Hello]


I'm Karl Piza [nom de plume/guerre].

I've diagnoses of aspergers, schizophrenia and bipolar1. Though I believe the NHS woefully/dangerously ignorant.

A friend who is a psychiatrist agrees [at least about the ignorance] and thinks I am autistic with episodic stress-induced psychosis [not having schizophrenia or bipolar1].

I believe the psychoses [very late onset] are medical injury [super-sensitivity psychosis] from long-term inappropriate prescribing of neuroleptics [more appropriate name for 'anti-psychotics'] for a diagnosis of anxiety prior to my aspergers diagnosis.

I have been diagnosed with cirrhosis and have chronic pain since 'anti-depressant' withdrawal [also a misnomer/marketing terminology].

I am almost completely against psychiatry [as it currently operates though I greatly admire the work of Drs. Joanna Moncrieff and David Healy] and prefer being screamed at by voices from the moment I wake to lying in bed doing nothing with no feelings, creativity or drive.

I was assessed by social services as requiring a bungalow, a P.A. and all professionals supporting me to have specialised autism training. That was five years ago. None of it happened. I have intense dislike for the tories' 14 years of devastation and decimation, and have little faith in 'tory-lite'

I like music [esp. opera], cruciverbalism, cats, walking and youtube.

I have many difficulties with speech, self-care, executive function and independent living [a nonsense anyway.. INTER-dependence is crucial, the hallmark of our species/survival and failure to achieve it is why many of the socially inept can rightfully consider themselves disabled..though this also requires a disabling environment] .

I have spent long periods struggling not to talk loudly/[near]constantly , even alone and also had two [approx.] 3 month periods where I never spoke at all.

I have been drugged against my will and sectioned a number of times [and to large degree reasonably so - though I believe we should and must move away from the medical/pathological model asap]

I am enthusiastic about the benefits of singing and the creative arts in general.

I apologise if I fail to respond, I am struggling [unreasonably so, for reasons already stated or implied] and I have tired myself [and tend to excel in doing so]!

I look forward to reading more of others posts, ending this one, and am cognisant of/discomforted by all the 'I's herein despite this being my introduction.

Best wishes and..

Howdy Doody!


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