Autism Diagnosis

Mid life diagnosis, puts so much into perspective & makes sense yet there seems to be after the initial relief at knowing, a huge amount of processing & internal dialogue. I guess I am wondering how other people felt and if they went through similar? 

  • For me the life changing moment was the realisation, that the Asperger syndrome describes me my personality and life. Further research only proves that what I felt at the beginning of my journey. All thanks to David Grusch who just mentioned in the interview that he is high functioning autistic. I got intrigued and the research began. I’m not diagnosed so far. The first moment after reading an article about Asperger I had extremely strong feelings but I still don’t know what I actually felt. I threw myself a high pressure shower to calm down. Now I just accepted myself the way I am, it helps me accept myself, I actually stopped hating myself for being a failure because now I know o have some deficits and still doing best as I can and keep it going. So I’m more compassionate to myself and I also looked deeper into my needs and made some changes that make my life much easier. So there is a lot of positive for me. 

  • Thank you for sharing the importance of compassion and also the benefits of taking time to understand needs and making changes. 

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