Does anyone else like social dancing?

Hi! I'm new here and just recently diagnosed. My therapist told me to find a safe place to unmask. I found a safe place to unmask at a vintage dance group. We folk dance and work on many traditional dances such as polka, waltz, and tango. Skill level doesn't matter. I think I like it because I enjoy being around people, but I don't want to talk about anything. I also love music and I crave touch. I don't know if any of this sounds weird for an autistic person, so I just wanted to see if anyone else really enjoys dancing with people and finds this a safe place as well. I wish you all joy as you navigate your uniqueness. 

  • This is my worst nightmare.  I am sure I have PTSD from being forced to dance classes by my parents as a child.  We also had to participate in dancing at school whether we liked it or not at school in the 70's.  It just makes me feel so self-conscious.  I definitely have no rhythm.  I'm really pleased you have found something you enjoy though.

  • This is my worst nightmare.  I am sure I have PTSD from being forced to dance classes by my parents as a child.  We also had to participate in dancing at school whether we liked it or not at school in the 70's.  It just makes me feel so self-conscious.  I definitely have no rhythm.  I'm really pleased you have found something you enjoy though.

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