Does anyone else like social dancing?

Hi! I'm new here and just recently diagnosed. My therapist told me to find a safe place to unmask. I found a safe place to unmask at a vintage dance group. We folk dance and work on many traditional dances such as polka, waltz, and tango. Skill level doesn't matter. I think I like it because I enjoy being around people, but I don't want to talk about anything. I also love music and I crave touch. I don't know if any of this sounds weird for an autistic person, so I just wanted to see if anyone else really enjoys dancing with people and finds this a safe place as well. I wish you all joy as you navigate your uniqueness. 

  • I would love to dance, but I'm totally rhythm free, I really admire people who can dance and have the ability to do so, I'd love to do flamenco and the Argentine Tango. Ive been both subtly and not so subtly discouraged from the dance floor.

  • I would love to dance, but I'm totally rhythm free, I really admire people who can dance and have the ability to do so, I'd love to do flamenco and the Argentine Tango. Ive been both subtly and not so subtly discouraged from the dance floor.

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