Hello, but sad :(

Hi there, I am 38 year old woman with high functioning Autism. 

I was going to ask for some help on this forum about some housing and mental health issues, however apparently my post was flagged as 'spam or abuse', it was neither. I am very disappointed and upset by this so I doubt I will be making any further posts. I bet the same thing happens to this one!.

  • Hi Chez - welcome to the community!

    The automated flagging of forum posts can be very frustrating and upsetting, but it's worth bearing with it, as there are lots of friendly people here to chat with and ask for advice. It's a system-based issue and the NAS is due to move to a new forum system next month, so things will hopefully improve. 

    You mention looking for help on mental health issues and housing. You might find these NAS resources helpful:

    Mental health

    Social care

    Just a quick word on terminology: "high functioning" autism has only ever been an informal term, never an official diagnostic one. Also, the use of high / low functioning terms is now considered inappropriate by many in the autistic community.

    Under both of the major classification systems, we're instead referred to as having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Under DSM-V, this would include the specifier Level 1, which recognises that you have support needs (versus 2 and 3 with greater needs). Under ICD-10, there are no level specifiers.

    More info: Autism diagnosis.

  • thats good. when I my my first post and  it got reinstated the next day. I havtnt run into the problom again  since did it get sorted? 

  • Welcome Chez.

    Yes, it's an awkward web. Where a lot of genuine posts are labelled spam. Nothing is left to human analysis, anymore. Disappointed

  • Oh, dear!  That is horrible for your first impression of our Forum.  The good news is; we have now been able to read this later post attempt and you are being welcomed to our Community.

    I got a post quarantined for merely re-editing my post to correct a couple of spelling errors / results of over-zealous predictive text which I had not prior spotted ...some grumbling did follow, I will admit! 

    Thankfully, fairly soon, we are all looking forward to the implementation of an improved Forum platform - so please do join us for that journey.

  • Hi Chez,

    There's nothing more off-putting that one of your first posts being flagged as spam. It happened to me too when I first dipped my toe here.


  • This is what was flagged as spam for me:
    "Johannes Brahms Sextet Nr 1 in B-Flat Major - Pražák Quartet, Petr Holman, Vladimír Fortin"

    I wonder what triggered that... Perhaps the software was confused by the accents on "Pražák" and "Vladimír". I know people sometimes use accented letters to try to get round filters...

  • It's likely to be Monday as it's the weekend now.

    You could just retype it but be careful re the spam filter triggers mentioned in the thread Zo kindly linked to.

  • Yeah I thought it was a robot because I did say quite a bit and wondered how a human could read it in less than five minutes! :P 

  • I thought so, I messaged the moderators so hopefully it will be sorted. I have read the rules like ten times before posting anything lol.

    Nice to meet you all, hope you are all well :) x

  • It's weird sometimes. I had a post marked as spam/abuse, where I just said that I was listening to a piece of music by Brahms! I'm not sure what triggered that. I think the mods are a bit stretched - there are just a few volunteers, I believe, so I guess they have to rely on software to filter stuff (which sometimes seems to get it wrong).

    If you appeal I'm sure your post will be reinstated by a human, and I hope you'll get the help you're looking for.

  • Hello Welcome to the community. that wouldnt of been a person that would of been the software cause it has a over sensitive spam filtwr and reports posts as spam that arnt. your not the only one it has happened to but they get reinstated again
