NHS group legal claim


Can anyone please inform me if there is a UK/English group legal claim (like a class action lawsuit) for people with autism/ADHD that were misdiagnosed by the NHS? To be clear, I am not looking to kick off a discussion about the finer points of whether or not the NHS should be sued. Please set up a separate thread to discuss that. 

Thank you for your help!

Extra info: 38F, Asian, based in England. I was misdiagnosed in South Kensington by an eminent NHS psychiatrist 12 years ago, who also advised that I should quit my job if it was affecting me so badly. I took her advice & quit my lucrative corporate job, retreated to a safe space for 10 years as a freelancer while my earning power diminished & my pension pot dwindled. I had stints of taking powerful meds (that are best not taken for too long because they can lead to Parkinson’s) to re-set my shattered nerves, which have never fully recovered. I have resorted to these meds on and off throughout my 20s and 30s. Plus bouts of low mood, depression, a catalogue of failed relationships and, of course, no children. Thank god I had some means to freeze my eggs. Now that I have sought private medical help I am on the right medication for ADHD, have been diagnosed with ASD 1, am back in the world of steady work and now researching my options for redress. My heart goes out to anyone else in this situation, especially those women who did not have the means to preserve their fertility in time Broken heart