
Hello im new here. I have autism and a developmental learning disability.  my pronouns are  (he/him)  I dont know how much I will be on the community  or how active I will be. weather i will be a regular. an ocasional poster or someone who is active or posts on ocastion or  prefers to scroll through. particularly since im new and I have very limited exsperiance with forums and  I might not always be able to respond to posts if someone were to comment or reply and im having a busy year aswell.  I have a special interest in Wildlife but im still growing  and learning  more things about myself and developing new interests  and  have decided to join this community since there is other autistic people like me. and thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself rather than just show up out of nowhere  somewhere.  I know alot about autism and im very knoledgeable about different subjects. aswell as other challanges that is part of Autism my Autism gives me hypersensitive hearing Which can be challangeing but it is also a gift aswell. 

im good at photography and  take lots of pictures im also good at  drawing and can draw from memory without copying or traceing.  there are other things my autism makes me good at aswell Im good at lots of different things so I have other things im good at aswell though.

 I thought I would ask im  thinking of posting some photos but I thought I should introduce myself first so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in seeing any photos or drawings or not?

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