
Hi there 

I'm Adnan. I was diagnosed with Autism back in 2021 I was diagnosed as an adult. I still don't fully understand my diagnosis or what it means for me.

I've decided to go on holiday and I'll be going alone. I'm absolutely terrified, anxious and depressed. I feel like I'm not going to return. Has anyone else experienced this?

  • Hi Adnan. Don’t be afraid I went on holiday myself on a plane when I was 18. Haha those were the days exploring Eastern Europe by myself at such a young age that was fun. Don’t let your anxiety hold you back. If I never went I wouldn’t have had so much fun there. 

  • Hi Adnan. Don’t be afraid I went on holiday myself on a plane when I was 18. Haha those were the days exploring Eastern Europe by myself at such a young age that was fun. Don’t let your anxiety hold you back. If I never went I wouldn’t have had so much fun there. 

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