Hi there

Hi there, I'm a new member, not with diagnosis. I made another post I think in not best place so this is just a quick introduction. I've been referred a year ago by GP but with approx 4 year waiting list and over 60  I've decided to go private.

  • Hello not Bob, welcome to the site.

    I've been referred a year ago by GP but with approx 4 year waiting list and over 60  I've decided to go private.

    You could always ask your GP for the "right to choose" route which will make them send you to a private assessment but on their cost. Wait lists are typically much less although still more than going private yourself.

    Going private will cost somewhere between £500 and £2k I believe - not small change I'm afraid.

    Once you have a diagnosis then there is probably going to be therapy needed to help you come to terms with it and deal with the issues - at £50-80/hour then this also gets expensive.

    You won't get any therapy on the NHS unfortunately and support is limited outside of this site. There may be local groups if you are lucky but the forums here are a great place to ask for specific help and hopefully get a range of answers from those who have gone through the same process themselves.

  • Hello not Bob, welcome to the site.

    I've been referred a year ago by GP but with approx 4 year waiting list and over 60  I've decided to go private.

    You could always ask your GP for the "right to choose" route which will make them send you to a private assessment but on their cost. Wait lists are typically much less although still more than going private yourself.

    Going private will cost somewhere between £500 and £2k I believe - not small change I'm afraid.

    Once you have a diagnosis then there is probably going to be therapy needed to help you come to terms with it and deal with the issues - at £50-80/hour then this also gets expensive.

    You won't get any therapy on the NHS unfortunately and support is limited outside of this site. There may be local groups if you are lucky but the forums here are a great place to ask for specific help and hopefully get a range of answers from those who have gone through the same process themselves.

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