Dumped by care centre

Hi, been told I’m high functioning autistic by phyc doc recently and my 20 year old son is autistic with severe learning difficulties and communication problems.

he was recently dumped by his day centre leaving me to be his full time carer. Due to his communication problems no one can understand him and he becomes frustrated and can be difficult to handle meaning me and my husband have to care for him. I’m struggling at the moment as not had a break from full time care for months and struggle with my own mental health issues. Just wondering if anyone out there is going through a similar situation.

  • You have my sympathy.   I went through a similar situation with my father for over twenty years.

    Communication with him was very difficult for everyone,  especially me because he hated me and considered me to be the shame of the family.  Yet everyone seemed to assume that I was the one you should be caring for him because they had difficulties communicating with him.

    I had neighbours coming round in a temper and shouting at me because he annoyed them and they couldn't communicate with him but they could communicate with me.

    One year my cousin went on holiday with him. A few weeks later my cousin came round drunk out of his head full of complaints about him and his behaviour and how he spoilt the holiday for him.

    A few years later my sister took him on holiday.  After they came back, she came round full of complaints, shouting at me that he was worse behaved than a five year old and that he couldn't travel on his own but she wouldn't travel with him ever again. So next time I had no choice but I would have to go with him.

    This nightmare went on and on for over twenty years.

    So you are not alone in your problems.

  • You have my sympathy.   I went through a similar situation with my father for over twenty years.

    Communication with him was very difficult for everyone,  especially me because he hated me and considered me to be the shame of the family.  Yet everyone seemed to assume that I was the one you should be caring for him because they had difficulties communicating with him.

    I had neighbours coming round in a temper and shouting at me because he annoyed them and they couldn't communicate with him but they could communicate with me.

    One year my cousin went on holiday with him. A few weeks later my cousin came round drunk out of his head full of complaints about him and his behaviour and how he spoilt the holiday for him.

    A few years later my sister took him on holiday.  After they came back, she came round full of complaints, shouting at me that he was worse behaved than a five year old and that he couldn't travel on his own but she wouldn't travel with him ever again. So next time I had no choice but I would have to go with him.

    This nightmare went on and on for over twenty years.

    So you are not alone in your problems.

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