HI/ Making friends being autistic?

Hi, I am newly diagnosed at 20. Making friends has always been a struggle for me because i have a low social battery and never know what to say and also am autistic, so hopefully I can make meet people through here. I love listening music particularly 90s and dancing, sometimes art aswell. I find it difficult to talk to others and unfortunately things never really work out where I am able to get close to others, I really haven't met many autistic people in my life, and often struggle with a lot of loneliness sometimes more when i try and hang out with others because I cannot really relate to others and feel so off and left out.

I wouldn't mind if anyone would want to chat.

  • Yeh I’ll chat. I’m 24 so yeh I have a bit of experience in earth. That’s a shame why do you feel left out if you don’t mind me asking? I don’t feel left out. I don’t feel bothered if people don’t like me. It’s life. People do like me though as I am a nice guy. 

  • Yeh I’ll chat. I’m 24 so yeh I have a bit of experience in earth. That’s a shame why do you feel left out if you don’t mind me asking? I don’t feel left out. I don’t feel bothered if people don’t like me. It’s life. People do like me though as I am a nice guy. 

  • Hey. Well I just feel left out because I guess of being slower to process what people mean and are saying and just feeling no ones ever appreciated my traits, growing up ive just dealt with alot of bullying unfortunately. I guess because it happens really often? its hard to explain