Please, any advice welcome, struggling.

Morning. I am a mom with a teenager with autism. Academically she is good but socially things are getting worse. She also has PAD which is proving very difficult as we enter the teenager years. She is now a school refuser and things are progressively getting worse at home. She is sleeping til 2pm everyday day. Refusing to get up any earlier. She doesn’t want to go out. Doesn’t want to get dressed. She says her clothes look awfuL on her and is trying to not eat some days. We are due to go on holiday and she won’t shop on line with me for clothes and is currently saying she isn’t getting on the plane. She speaks to me like I am dirt on her shoe. She has masked for years but I feel the mask has come off and now she can’t mask anymore? 

my question is, will this get easier and what can I do? 
should I be allowing her to sleep so long? how can I encourage her to get dressed? Are there things I could put in place to support her better? Encourage her to leave the house? I am and have tried lots of things and I work in SEN but when it’s your own daughter it’s a different situation completely.

please help, I really am worried and struggling,

thank you Two hearts

  • Thank You for replying Two heartsTwo hearts

  • Thank

    you for reaching out. It means a lot to hear we are not alone. It’s really tough and it’s made harder when your friends think You are being too soft on them. Believe me I have tried the hard approach and that just makes things worse. We have a phone call from this organisation tomorrow evening for help and I will make a doctors appointment. As of last night she is refusing to come abroad with us. I don’t want her to not come with us as it’s trying to make loving memories for her but what do I do if she doesn’t? I can’t just leave her at home. What a mess. 
    thank you again Two hearts

  • Hi so sorry to hear this. My son was the same. In secondary school he refused to go wouldn’t get dressed. Had 3 months of him just lieing in bed. I understand how difficult this must be for you. He started having panic attacks and I called an ambulance The hospital got camhs involved and he was put on medication and had cbt. He wasn’t diagnosed with asd till he became an adult. Have you spoke to your gp? They should be able to help. I hope things become easier for you

  • Damn!!  That's tough sister!  I'm not best placed to advise you on these matters....but I sincerely hope that others can "jump in" quickly to give you some constructive and useful feedback.


  • Yes, she’s missed the end of yr 8. Tonight she is now refusing to go on our family holiday? 

  • Good morning,

    Has she started "big" school yet?