
I am now to this, I am just reaching out.

I like Dogs, Politics, Family history and walks in the park.

I live in yorkshire. 

Parents Reply
  • Hola,

    I dont speak swedish but nice to have a change from hello. its not really formal setting like writing a letter its nice to have the change. Yes a dog the fun they look like they have. Ive had cats and Dogs but dogs are superior cats only want you on there terms. 

  • I hope that you get your assistance doggy soon. I have extra love for guide dogs and other assistance dogs Heart eyes

  • hej

    I did same for my aunts but always her house i dont like staying there so became a porblem. my uncle bought for her brithdays they never bothered with her all him

    Jet know works. he know the vets and bath his other trigger words are:chicken, susages, walkies, ball, sit, and leave it. he is jack russel/pug or Jug type. he like being centre of attension

    bell is pug/chicauhua or a chug. she is more a lap dog and very gruff vocals. loyal to her dad 1st she perfers mens. she stay out of way of crowds. she dosent like you cleaning she nip you ankles if dusting or moping she scaried of hoover. only really cares about food, walkies and her dad.

    My self i am getting a assistence doggy to help me with life and sensory processing as i cant see a OT.

  • Ciao - In my old-ish age, I have come to appreciate cats more. I've known some real friendly ones. But dogs are still my favorites.

    I don't have a dog but will be looking to get one within the next year. I had several when I was younger.

    I do look after a dog regularly when her family are away, and we have a special bond.