Just diagnosed - hello! :)

Hi everyone, 

I've just been diagnosed with autism after years of feeling like an alien trying to blend in with humans. I've been different all my life and could never understand why... but last week I received my diagnosis and now things have begun to make a lot more sense and I'm feeling more comfortable with who I am. 

I know there's still a lot to find out about myself and how autism impacts life but I feel I'm better equipped to deal with it all now. Anxiety is one of my biggest problems and I've also become depressed somewhere in the mess of my life but I'm hoping both will improve now I'm aware of my autism. 

I'm hoping I'll be able to fit in here. 

Nice to meet you, look forward to getting to know everyone as I find my feet. 

  • Hey,

    I’ve also just joined, having recently being diagnosed.

    Sort of suspected it all my life, but the official stamp of approval means I feel like I now have a right to access spaces like this, and boy I wish I had before.

    I’m yet to do my own intro post, I’ve just been perusing all the threads and it’s just been so validating and hopeful to see so many of us in it together, so for now that’s my only advice - soak up the joy of finally being on the same planet as the rest of us aliens.

  • Hi. Thank you Blush 

    That's what I'm hoping to find here. Just some people I can talk to in a comfortable way with no stress and ppeople who understand. 

    Literally everybody in my life is very judging that I'm autistic and think I'm using it as an excuse. Really unfair and crushing. 

    I can already tell I'll fit in better here. 

  • Hi Blueswan. Great name! I'm sure you will find lots of like minds here. It tends to be quiet at weekends, but there will be lots of people just like you.