

My name is Verity. I'm an autistic adult, in my twenties and I'm really struggling with life. Growing up I had so ideas and plans for myself, I thought it so careful like but it's gone in a completely different way. 

I don't work and I've struggled with my my physical and mental health.

I've started writing professionally, I thought it would make a good at home career for me if I'm good enough. 

I'm here to better understand myself as I don't know much about autism. 

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  • Hello! Thanks.

    I like writing blogs, about history and about music I'm interested in. I had a cool freelance project earlier in the year where I wrote about Queen for a music blog.

    Music is my special interest and that made my writing even more fun than normal. 

    What are your hobbies? Sorry if that's too personal, don't feel you have to say if you don't want to.