Hi guys!!

Hi there,

I’m a 36 year old mum to my beautiful son who has Autism and ADHD. 

I joined as I am struggling with how to help him through a tough time and I’m almost certain there are plenty more of you out there who have been through similar so figured someone may have some good ideas.

Anyway, it will be lovely to meet lots of new people!

M xx

  • Indeed it is.  Mine is 13 and she's now got a boyfriend (in name only).  That's massively uncomfortable but we have open communication so I'm hoping all will be okay going forward.  It is hard putting in boundaries but I think it makes people feel safer even if it's boundaries they object to.  It also gives them the push to do other things over and above techy stuff. 

  • Welcome. How old is your son?

  • Yes I do believe me just “being here” does indeed help, although I’m the bad guy at the moment as I’ve had to implement new restrictions on his phone and computer due to it escalating his negative behaviours. This whole teen thing is a whole new ballpark.

    M xx

  • Hi M,

    Life is tough but you're ace card is that you're his Mummy so know him best.  Even just your presence will be a soothing factor for him.  I've learnt that my connection with my daughter helps her without me directly doing or saying anything to help, I'm "there" with her which is invaluable I feel.  There's so much pressure to "fix" someone but accepting them as they are is more powerful to me.

    You'll get through this together.
