Son having meltdowns at school

Hello, My 4 year old son has recently started nursery, we've had a brilliant time settling in but recently he has been having meltdowns when it comes to being asked to tidy up at the end of the day. Some times he will destroy the toys/classroom/pull bags off hooks/ flip tables until he is able to regulate.

The teachers are trying their best to help but I was wondering if anyone can share any tips or advice if they have been in this situation.

  • Have you already worked with the school on transitions?   Maybe they need to match the ones you do at home more closely so your son has familiarity?  I've found the following things helpful for my daughter which have changed as she's gotten older:

    1. A visual timetable of changes so there are less surprises.
    2. Reminder before a change happens, I find that gives them time to process what's being said and how they feel about it.
    3. A blanket/top that smells of the person/place.  I used to have a jumper of mine in her Daddys and a top of Daddys in mine to ease transition and give comfort. Maybe this could work for the school setting?
    4. An object from school to signify the change and an object from home to show change will happen, similar to the clothing thing but more to do with a favourite school/home object.
    5. A heads up for changes and explanations for reassurance well in advance (significant things like holidays/visits to family/moving up classes etc).

    I'm sure everyone is trying their best.  It's tough seeing your child go through this but the more they grow and are able to understand themselves and when you can work out each time what seems to help, things ease.  I also found that key hormone stages in my daughters development were times I had to give myself a heads up that more challenges could arise for her to work through.  Best of luck with everything.

  • Have you already worked with the school on transitions?   Maybe they need to match the ones you do at home more closely so your son has familiarity?  I've found the following things helpful for my daughter which have changed as she's gotten older:

    1. A visual timetable of changes so there are less surprises.
    2. Reminder before a change happens, I find that gives them time to process what's being said and how they feel about it.
    3. A blanket/top that smells of the person/place.  I used to have a jumper of mine in her Daddys and a top of Daddys in mine to ease transition and give comfort. Maybe this could work for the school setting?
    4. An object from school to signify the change and an object from home to show change will happen, similar to the clothing thing but more to do with a favourite school/home object.
    5. A heads up for changes and explanations for reassurance well in advance (significant things like holidays/visits to family/moving up classes etc).

    I'm sure everyone is trying their best.  It's tough seeing your child go through this but the more they grow and are able to understand themselves and when you can work out each time what seems to help, things ease.  I also found that key hormone stages in my daughters development were times I had to give myself a heads up that more challenges could arise for her to work through.  Best of luck with everything.

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