
Hello every one.

I'm an autistic woman. I'm in my late twenties and struggling crazily coping with every day life. I thought my teens were bad but adult life is worse, way harder and more stressful. My parents are both nearly sixty now and their health isn't so good and I'm still heavily dependent on them but when I try to be more independent I get so stressed and breakdown.

I've been sectioned three times in the last couple of years. My parents are suggesting I get supported living so I can be kind of independent but still have help if I need it. 

I hate that idea. I hate that I'm so reliant on people and can't cope properly with every day life. 

My life is good though apart from all thy stress. I enjoy my life, like listening to music, and classic cars to my mums horror lol. I like to read, I have a big collection of books. I just wish I could process everything going on. 

My biggest problem is my autistic mind can't process everything. I'm sure that's the problem. My mind just tries to process everything all at once, my thoughts are like speeding cars on a motorway, fast and noisy.

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