

I was diagnosed to be on the spectrum this time last year. I still do not understand enough of what being on the spectrum means for me and in which ways I function differently. I would want to learn more about myself and better understand my behaviours, especially the potentially damaging ones.

  • Maybe you can try books “Look me in the eyes. My life with Asperger” John Elder Robinson or “Neurotribes” Steve Silberman, or “Unmasking Autism” dr Devon Price. There are some YouTube channels that I would recommend. “Autism from the inside” led by Paul Micalleff and I think this forum may be also helpful. For me personally the discovery journey is fascinating but also challenging. Welcome to the community!

  • Maybe you can try books “Look me in the eyes. My life with Asperger” John Elder Robinson or “Neurotribes” Steve Silberman, or “Unmasking Autism” dr Devon Price. There are some YouTube channels that I would recommend. “Autism from the inside” led by Paul Micalleff and I think this forum may be also helpful. For me personally the discovery journey is fascinating but also challenging. Welcome to the community!

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