Advice for undiagnosed autism

Hello everyone, I haven’t been diagnosed with autism, but I am on the waiting list to be assessed, I hope it’s still alright for me to post something though.

This year I have had a lot of problems, mainly with panic attacks and severe anxiety. I’ve always had a tendency to panic in social situations, but it had grown so bad that I had to take time off of work. During the time I’ve been off, my GP has referred me to several different services to try and find out what the cause of my anxiety is, and one of those things has been talking therapy. This is where a lot of other symptoms have come to light - whole host of autistic traits.

So I was referred for an autism assessment, my family, friend and colleagues filled out the required questionnaires, and the application was accepted by the assessors.

When I was a child, I had a bad fall through a roof (I was getting my football back after I had accidentally kicked it up there). I was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury as my brain had bled and was swollen.

That is a long story and I’ve already typed a lot of words, but basically I didn’t get any rehabilitation for my injury, and autism and brain injury have overlapping symptoms. I’ve spoken to the Headway charity recently and they confirmed this, I also joined their forum for advice. The questionnaires that people filled out for me during the autism assessment referral process point out that some of these symptoms existed before my fall, and it appears that I have symptoms of autism that do not overlap with brain injury.

I have found a lot of information on the similarities between autism and brain injury, but I cannot find any information about have autism and brain injury simultaneously, and the effects that one can have on the other. It upsets me that I may have been struggling through life this whole time with an undiagnosed issue, wether it’s lasting or worsening damage to my brain from the fall or autism (or both)

Is there a number I can call just to ask a few questions that I have?
Is there any advice I can get even though I’m just on the waiting list? It seems the waiting list is very long so it’s it going to quite a wait.

Sorry for such a long post, and thanks in advance. Also sorry if I’ve made any spelling or grammar mistakes.

  • Hello have you explored the right to choose?

    This gives you the right if an organisation has a shorter waiting list to go onto that.I am a case in example.I am not able to say who as on this we are told not to promote specific organisations but the right to choose is something any patient can exercise hope that helps 

  • Hello have you explored the right to choose?

    This gives you the right if an organisation has a shorter waiting list to go onto that.I am a case in example.I am not able to say who as on this we are told not to promote specific organisations but the right to choose is something any patient can exercise hope that helps 
