not stupid, rude or odd, autistic apparently..

All my life I struggled with almost everything and felt terrible because everyone else was able to do things I couldnt. Id be in trouble for not doing things right, told I didnt listen when I didnt understand stuff & generally made to feel not good enough.

I started off being told I was shy, then suffered anxiety, forced into cbt to change the way I thought (this didnt work and I refused to go back after being talked to terribly) then finally a friend suggested I was tested for autism. My dr told me I was definately not autistic as it would have been picked up as a child, she refused to request a referral then said id have to travel really far for it and pay etc. I said I didnt care and long story short a few weeks later I was referred locally and diagnosed within 2 hours by a lovely lady who told me I didnt need cbt, I needed to understand how mybrain worked not change howi thought!!

Anyway now I have a diagnosis but thats it. The woman I was told to call referred me to someone else who is on holiday for a week so im just a bit confused and feeling very alone. From what ive seen online so far there is loads of support fro adults who have children with autism but not so much for the adults with it. 

Any help, info, chat, shared stories etc would bewelcomed. X

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