Debt in my daughters name but it's not hers

Hi. I am a full-time carer to my 25 year old autistic daughter. My daughter made friends with a girl, who turns out wasn't a friend at all. She got my daughter to open shopping accounts and order items. She told my daughter she would give her the money to pay for these things, so my daughter believed her cause that's what she said she would do. This girl has maxed out numerous accounts which are in my daughters name and hasn't paid for a thing. I don't even know where she has gone but I am getting countless debt collectors letters, solicitors letters and even had them turn up at my house. I am trying to explain to them what happened and that my daughter doesn't have to capacity to understand that the girl was lying and she doesn't have any of the items purchased. Has anyone else been in this situation or similar and can offer any advice before I get bailiffs turning up and removing things from my house. Thank you

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