Greetings and saluatations

Greetings and salutations.

I'm a nerdy chick from Middle England in her mid-to-late 40s who works in comp-u-tars.

I have recently been diagnosed with ASD and am not really sure what that actually means for me, other than an awful lot of events and memories from my life now seem to make a bit more sense in context... and perhaps that some of my other past diagnoses are either wrong or are at least just a symptomatic manifestation of coping with ASD during particularly stressful times in my life. I've struggled with anxiety, depression and poor sleep for as long as I can remember into my childhood.

I am a cat lover and have an interest in independent and arthouse films. Mike Leigh and Ron Fricke are particular favourites of mine, but I'm also partial to a good bit of Guy Ritchie and Wes Anderson. My musical tastes are just as middle of the road in that there's not a single Dire Straits album or song that I don't adore.

I spend a lot of time distracting myself by repeatedly re-watching TV series again and again as a means to distract and occupy my mind, which would otherwise be going around in circles worrying about some idioticly mundane detail of something or other. Mmm, nothing like a good bit of pleonasm.

I find words, language, accents and human communication fascinating.

I love to understand how things work, including people, in so far as what motivates people and what has shaped them and society over time. Human history is fascinating.

I love the words esoteric, resplendent, copasetic, garrulous, autodidact, idopathic and loquacious.

Here's a random chewn that I play that I find soothing when life feels too much :-)

Delighted to meet you all!

  • Welcome to the tribe.

    Most of what you say describes a lot of our common autistic traits. It is a long journey (of which I am still navigating) to discover and embrace your autism. This is a supportive community and I am sure will be helpful.

  • Welcome to the tribe.

    Most of what you say describes a lot of our common autistic traits. It is a long journey (of which I am still navigating) to discover and embrace your autism. This is a supportive community and I am sure will be helpful.

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