Partner headbanging, can't find employment

Hello, I have been with my partner for 10 years and throughout this time the head banging has got worse, a neighbour I believe called the police when he started screaming. He's very frustrated as he's had a series of jobs, mainly factories but has been let go. He's been told he was not fast enough and could not understand instructions. He then got a job in a kennels but was let go after 2 weeks even though they said in a meeting he was doing well. He was told via email he was not a good face for the customers. He's trying to get work from home jobs now but having no responses and he's desperate for help. He's done admin in the past and I just wondered if anyone knew of any websites he could look for work on, other than the usual indeed?

Also does anyone have any tips on what I should do when he is headbanging? I find it so distressing I tell him to stop but wonder if I should give him space instead. 

Of note, he's waiting for an autism diagnosis but has been told the waiting list is 2 years :( the GP hasn't been great and told him of a drop in centre for those with mental health issues but other than that he is not on any medication. 

  • agency is the  only way i can think of getting job... its only way i lucked a job myself.

    i did admin jobs in past for a few months, but they never keep you, they are often maternity leave cover. men dont get very good opportunity in office but to cover the gaps the women office workers make temporarily then get pushed aside when they come back.

    agency, but it will be warehouse work.... which is the most obnoxious soul destroying cold horrid work, but it seems the only work men are allowed, and agency being the only true on ramp for people who cant do interviews and have a cv with big gaps. the only way i can see really.

  • agency is the  only way i can think of getting job... its only way i lucked a job myself.

    i did admin jobs in past for a few months, but they never keep you, they are often maternity leave cover. men dont get very good opportunity in office but to cover the gaps the women office workers make temporarily then get pushed aside when they come back.

    agency, but it will be warehouse work.... which is the most obnoxious soul destroying cold horrid work, but it seems the only work men are allowed, and agency being the only true on ramp for people who cant do interviews and have a cv with big gaps. the only way i can see really.
