Partner headbanging, can't find employment

Hello, I have been with my partner for 10 years and throughout this time the head banging has got worse, a neighbour I believe called the police when he started screaming. He's very frustrated as he's had a series of jobs, mainly factories but has been let go. He's been told he was not fast enough and could not understand instructions. He then got a job in a kennels but was let go after 2 weeks even though they said in a meeting he was doing well. He was told via email he was not a good face for the customers. He's trying to get work from home jobs now but having no responses and he's desperate for help. He's done admin in the past and I just wondered if anyone knew of any websites he could look for work on, other than the usual indeed?

Also does anyone have any tips on what I should do when he is headbanging? I find it so distressing I tell him to stop but wonder if I should give him space instead. 

Of note, he's waiting for an autism diagnosis but has been told the waiting list is 2 years :( the GP hasn't been great and told him of a drop in centre for those with mental health issues but other than that he is not on any medication. 

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