Parent of ASD adult diagnosed 10yrs ago at wits end

Hi I am a parent of a 37 year old son who was diagnosed Asperger's 10yrs ago. He has had a lot of struggles and finally ended up having a mental breakdown. This is when he got diagnosed. He has been living with me for the past 5yrs I went through a bad divorce  not with his father he left the picture when my son was a yr old.  We decided to buy a house together I put most of the money up. He helps pay the mortgage and he is very into horticulture we have a very big garden lots of plants and hedges. Bought this house coz he said he would enjoy working in the garden. 5yrs on he is constantly in a bad mood says he has to do everything on his own. I try to help where I can but I'm not very agile I work full time like he does and he does nothing in the house I have to do all the housework laundry etc. he cooks just his own meals never offer to make me anything doesn't even offer to make me a cup of tea. If I ask him what's wrong how can I help he tells me I'm an adult do what he does and research things stop asking him all the time he makes me feel like I am a useless nothing who is nothing but a hinderance to him I'm sure if I wasn't around any more he would be so much happier. He seems to enjoy making me feel bad and when I mention it to him he just says that's your negative mind set I'm not being unkind to you you just think I am. I am at my wits end I feel very alone I have few friends and no close family to speak to so sorry it's a long post but I am really hoping someone can understand my situation and give me some help and advice. I am becoming more depressed and feel like noone cares about how I feel  I spend my life walking on egg shells trying to not upset my son he has been to drs and has had a mental health worker speak with him. It seems he can find the help but I have none to turn to.   Sorry  if I have waffled on. 

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