Hi all, I am new

Hi all, this is all new to me. I am 56 and did some home screening tests and score pretty high (42/50)

I suffer with fibromyalgia, joint Hypermobility syndrome and some Obsessive Compulsive tendencies and high blood pressure.

I found out that all my health issues are linked to autism/autism traits. Not sure about my blood pressure though.

I found you and decided to join as I am trying to understand myself better. I have been reading a lot about autism/autism traits and it is like reading my own story. I suffer from a lot of stress. I am thinking of letting myself officially tested so I can get help to tackle my stress which is necessary for my fibromyalgia to keep the inflammation low and reduce pain.. The other part of me is wondering if it is necessary to be tested at my age.

Thank you for listening to me Slight smile

  • Hi! I'm new here too,  I'm 45 and recently found out myself to be autistic.

    It's never to late!! We deserve to know we're not broken or a bad person. It's a relief. 

    Like you said, our life is explained and everything makes sense. 

    I'm from Argentina and here there's lack of information. 

    I myself ignored what autism was actually about, that's why I hadn't crossed my mind I could be.

    But if I could learn and inform myself, doctors could do the same, it doesn't take up a lot of time. 

    Anyway it's so nice to find a group where you finally belong and don't feel like a "sapo de otro pozo" (toad from another well) as we say in my country for "the odd one out".

  • Hi :) I am glad your puzzle pieces fall into place as well, just like me Slight smile

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