Parent of an ASD /ADHD adult daughter

Hi, I don’t really know where to start! My daughter was diagnosed at 15 through CAMHS , then discharged at 18. She wasn’t transferred to Adult mental health service , GP was useless! But we got through ! Great support at Uni, possibly Covid helped because she came home! She has been amazing and life seemed ok! Forward today at the age of 25! She has been slowly struggling and I don’t know where to get support for her! She lives in her own flat, and just been told she won’t pass her probationary period at work! She has been off work with migraines, gastro, colds and a chest infection! When she is at work , her work is amazing no complaints there! Basically she will get fired for being sick! I know when she is ill, she feels it more and can’t cope! I need advice to know how I can get support for her! I am also worried about her mental health, she said I feel sad like I did before I was diagnosed! 

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