Recent Adult Diagnosis of Autism and need advice

Hi everyone, 

I hope you are all well and I would like to ask for some advice. I have recently been diagnosed with Autism as an adult (in my late twenties) and I am really struggling. I don't know how to get proper support both in work and just for mental health support and also how to access any help for this. This is my first post, so I really hope someone can help or advise. 

Firstly, I have tried to explain in work my struggles, which they are trying to help, but I don't feel like they are really listening to my desperate need for clearer instructions as its always vague and makes me unable to do tasks and my struggles with tasks involving new people and large groups due to social anxiety. Does anyone have any advice or someone to signpost me for work related issues concerning the diagnosis? I have contacted access to work, but there waiting time is 18 weeks and I don't know if I can last that long in the job. 

Secondly, I really thought after receiving the diagnosis, I would have heard something from my doctor. I have told them but I haven't been offered anything apart from antidepressants and a year waiting list for CBT. Can anyone advise if there's an email or phone number for support with Autism. I thought the National Autistic Society would have a helpline or email, but I can't find anything and I really need to talk to someone. It's just really hard knowing I need to wait for so long for any help. 

It would just be nice to hear from others who have been through a similar thing and what support there is, as I feel really alone and isolated as I don't know anyone in my immediate family and friends who have the condition and understand fully. I also only had the diagnosis recently, so although I have been living with it, I have without knowing and getting no support because I didn't know what would help me. I hope it was ok to share that here. 

Thank you 

  • Hi there, 

    I'm sad to hear you have been struggling. I don't know if it helps for me to say, your not alone in that feeling?

    I had a recent ASC diagnosis within in the last couple of weeks, and did not expect the feelings that came after. 

    Depending on what feels right for you there are some Helplines and listening services - Mind here, I found the Samaritans supportive the times when I haven't known who to call and needed to talk. 

    The centre that did my assessment, suggested one service to contact, which I have, but it is a bit baffling, that feeling you talk about, like looking out into the unknown and more potentially long waiting lists for things like CBT.

    Yesterday, when I found these forums  on the NAS website and created a profile, I found it a big relief, I hope you can find some of that feeling here, and some useful tips for things. 

    I hate contacting the GP, but yesterday I did actually email the secretary, to thank them for arranging the referral, and to ask if they knew of any other services I could contact, in the area, to support with the things I felt were important right now, for me. 

    With your work, could you contact the HR, if there is one, or ask someone you feel more comfortable with, if they have an employee assistance programme (EAP). 

    Also, this is a service I accessed through a previous employer, I self-referred in around January, and it felt fairly swift (not a guarantee of course). Mental health support for people at work | Able Futures Mental Health Support Service ( As my work contract ended the support is less frequent while I find other work, but the people I spoke to have been lovely.

    There are also a few people who opened the door to their experiences in books and podcasts, which may not be what you need right now (and I'm sure others have shared these in different posts).

    Also this NHS page here as a very basic landing page

    Let us know how your doing next week, or when its convenient. 

    C :)

  • Hi C,

    Thank you so much for replying to my post and with this information and links, I really really appreciate it :) I will have a look through today! 

    It's nice to know I am not alone in the feeling. I am feeling slightly better this week, but its still a struggle but I am hopeful that things will improve over time as I come to terms with the diagnosis and learn more about myself and Autism, so I am more equip to get through this. 

    I hope you are well and again, thank you for your help and it made me happy to see a reply :) 


  • Hi C,

    Thank you so much for replying to my post and with this information and links, I really really appreciate it :) I will have a look through today! 

    It's nice to know I am not alone in the feeling. I am feeling slightly better this week, but its still a struggle but I am hopeful that things will improve over time as I come to terms with the diagnosis and learn more about myself and Autism, so I am more equip to get through this. 

    I hope you are well and again, thank you for your help and it made me happy to see a reply :) 


  • All good brother......welcome to people who know our game of life!

  • Thank you! I am glad that we have this forum, I completely agree that it is validating and supportive, I am feeling less isolated and alone because of the forum and just having people to talk to who understand has been very helpful and made me happy. Thank you for your words and reply :)

  • Hi Al, 

    Glad to hear your feeling slightly better. I try to remember its not a linear journey, and some days things may be a bit more of a struggle and others I may feel my version of normal. 

    Not wanting to overload with info. so these are things that are a couple available aobut exploring your Autism, I found them useful, but may not suit everyone. 

    A workbook, to explore your own needs: The Neurodivergent Friendly Workbook of DBT Skills by Sonny Jane Wise | Goodreads

    Ellie Middleton's book, also on Sp otif y Ellie Middleton: 'Learning the way my brain works has changed everything for me' - BBC News

    c :)

  • I am hopeful that things will improve over time as I come to terms with the diagnosis and learn more about myself and Autism,

    I think this is a very reasonable hope, that seems to be borne out by my perception of what seems to be reported in this place, over time.  As a "grown up," I'm afraid that there is very little support and help for us in the wider world, but I have found this forum to be a very calming, validating and supportive place (generally.)  We do have asshats that visit from time to time, but they generally disappear reasonably quickly too.

    It is good that you feel slightly better this week, although I remember from my own experience that I vacillated quite wildly in my first few months of coming to terms with my autistic reality.