Just got my diagnosis this morning

Did very little prep for my interview and was thinking before hand that i am not autistic, mainly because of the sensory stuff. The interview was booked for around 2 hours, but we were done in just over an hour and when we was finished the therapist said, are you ready? And then she proceeded to tell me, enthusiastically, I can confirm 100% that you are autistic. She asked what did I think of this and I didn’t feel anything, I still felt like an imposter. I am now over 3 hours since being told and I have told one person, my ex, because our son is struggling at the moment and we r thinking he is autistic. I don’t feel like telling anyone else at the moment, I don’t want people saying, you’re not autistic 

  • I have told one person, my ex, because our son is struggling at the moment and we r thinking he is autistic

    Autism is typically hereditary so if your son is biologically yours (I can't assume anything in todays woke age) then he has a significan chance of inheriting your neurodivergence. A test should confirm this.

    I don’t want people saying, you’re not autistic

    I expect you present as "normal" because you have been masking most of your life - it is a survival skill and most of us do it (I certainly have done this extensively).

    For people to make a casual assumption based on appearances when you have a trained professional test you and confirm you are autistic is also the norm - people love to make their own conclusions so just don't pay any attention to them.

    There is no need to disclose your diagnosis if you don't want to - it is entirely your personal business. If there is a need to disclose (eg at work because you want Reasonable Accommodations made) then be honest and ask for it not be be disclosed more than it needs to be because you fear discrimination from your colleagues (which denial of a condition would be).

    Accepting yourself and owning it is very empowering. Understanding the autism by researching it and finding ways to make your autistic traits less troublesome for you is also life changing - it helps you find a much better balance of masking and behaviours / reaction to stimuli that improve your quality of life.

    If people say "I don't believe you're autistic" then tell them "I don't believe you are this ignorant on what autism means" and do a mic drop moment on them - it tends to get the message across.

  • I have told one person, my ex, because our son is struggling at the moment and we r thinking he is autistic

    Autism is typically hereditary so if your son is biologically yours (I can't assume anything in todays woke age) then he has a significan chance of inheriting your neurodivergence. A test should confirm this.

    I don’t want people saying, you’re not autistic

    I expect you present as "normal" because you have been masking most of your life - it is a survival skill and most of us do it (I certainly have done this extensively).

    For people to make a casual assumption based on appearances when you have a trained professional test you and confirm you are autistic is also the norm - people love to make their own conclusions so just don't pay any attention to them.

    There is no need to disclose your diagnosis if you don't want to - it is entirely your personal business. If there is a need to disclose (eg at work because you want Reasonable Accommodations made) then be honest and ask for it not be be disclosed more than it needs to be because you fear discrimination from your colleagues (which denial of a condition would be).

    Accepting yourself and owning it is very empowering. Understanding the autism by researching it and finding ways to make your autistic traits less troublesome for you is also life changing - it helps you find a much better balance of masking and behaviours / reaction to stimuli that improve your quality of life.

    If people say "I don't believe you're autistic" then tell them "I don't believe you are this ignorant on what autism means" and do a mic drop moment on them - it tends to get the message across.

  • "If people say "I don't believe you're autistic" then tell them "I don't believe you are this ignorant on what autism means"

    Excellent suggestion!

    I've been diagnosed about 10 months but I've told very few people - because the second person I opened up to denied me my diagnosis. "No - not you - you're so "normal".   I've had over 60 years to perfect masking my authentic self to try to fit in to a world that just wasn't made for me.  Now I know what to say to the next person who tells me I'm talking nonsense!