Hello :)

Hi everyone. I am a woman in my 30s and I live in the U.S.

I haven't been given a formal diagnosis, but the doctor who reviewed my assessment stated I would've been diagnosed with Aspergers if it were still a valid diagnosis. She said I have type 1 ADD, social anxiety, and an avoidant personality. With all of this, I am still struggling to understand whether or not I am actually autistic. 

If I would've been diagnosed with Aspergers, doesn't that mean I AM autistic? I'm struggling with this because I have done so much research about the autism spectrum and the results that the doctor gave me don't feel valid or right.

I feel like I am just searching for answers. I know that within the community, self-diagnosis is valid. But in everyday life, it doesn't matter unless I have a formal diagnosis. I am not entitled to accommodations without a formal diagnosis. I could get a second opinion, I guess, but I don't know if it's really worth the trouble, time, or money. I just want to know why I am the way I am, and I want help and support in how to live my life in an easier, less exhausting way.

Anyway, I'm so new to this, and I'm just looking for a community of people like me.

  • Hi, Softertoday and welcome Slight smile

    You could maybe have been diagnosed with ADD and avoidant personality because of social anxiety, and you have social anxiety because you're on the autism spectrum. She is correct that "Aspergers" is a term no longer use for diagnosis, but should have explained to you that it is now referred to as ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).

    I see that you did the "Aspie quiz" on another thread where I provided the link to it, and your result was 100% atypical (autistic). What other tests have you done? The main one used in the UK is the AQ50, developed by a professor of developmental psychology at Cambridge university and a leading expert on autism. You should be able to find it online.

    I'm "self diagnosed" in that I haven't got a "formal" diagnosis from a psychiatrist, however the doctor I saw when I realised I was.on the spectrum was fairly knowledgeable and advised me which tests to do, then looked at the results and agreed with my assessment. I don't have a formal diagnosis because even if I got one, I wouldn't get any help, as I'm able to live independently and have a job.

    You said "I am not entitled to accommodations without a formal diagnosis" - are you referring to the workplace? My employers have accommodated my needs after I explained what they were and what would help - it's as much a moral obligation as a legal one.

    Keep reading posts on here and asking questions - many of us have been dealing with being in your position for a number of years, and we're always ready to try to help.

  • Thank you so much for this reply. I've taken the RAADS-R test and my score was 198. I've also taken the CAT-Q test and my score on that one was 158. I know I'm autistic and it was just really disappointing and frustrating for her to say "Good news, you're not autistic but you would've been diagnosed with Aspergers." because Aspergers is literally on the spectrum. I'm just frustrated because I know myself and I'm not like neurotypical people at all. I don't currently work but if I did I'm sure I could get some sort of accommodations if I were to ask, however, I do college classes online and to get accommodations for school I have to have documentation proving why they are necessary. I am also in the middle of appealing the decision for SSDI because my claim was denied. I was hoping a formal diagnosis would help me with that appeal. Not that I don't already qualify for the benefits because my already diagnosed mental illnesses and the fact that I can't hold a job allow me to qualify, but apparently the Social Security Administration denies a lot of people the first time they apply. It's all a scam. But anyway, thank you for this and I will stick around and keep reading and asking questions. 

    Edit: I've also taken the alexithymia questionnaire and my score was 153 which according to the scoring explanation means that alexithymia is present.

  • Thank you so much for this reply. I've taken the RAADS-R test and my score was 198. I've also taken the CAT-Q test and my score on that one was 158. I know I'm autistic and it was just really disappointing and frustrating for her to say "Good news, you're not autistic but you would've been diagnosed with Aspergers." because Aspergers is literally on the spectrum. I'm just frustrated because I know myself and I'm not like neurotypical people at all. I don't currently work but if I did I'm sure I could get some sort of accommodations if I were to ask, however, I do college classes online and to get accommodations for school I have to have documentation proving why they are necessary. I am also in the middle of appealing the decision for SSDI because my claim was denied. I was hoping a formal diagnosis would help me with that appeal. Not that I don't already qualify for the benefits because my already diagnosed mental illnesses and the fact that I can't hold a job allow me to qualify, but apparently the Social Security Administration denies a lot of people the first time they apply. It's all a scam. But anyway, thank you for this and I will stick around and keep reading and asking questions. 

    Edit: I've also taken the alexithymia questionnaire and my score was 153 which according to the scoring explanation means that alexithymia is present.

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