
Hello everybody. I'm 36 and recently diagnosed as autistic.

I felt a sense of relief at my diagnosis, as though I can finally explain, and justify, why I've never been able to get my *** together.

I'm a freelance illustrator because my hyper-fixation throughout my life has been drawing. During university, I created an animation as part of my course and submitted it to the Creative Conscience awards, and won gold. At the time I thought I was portraying my relationship with depression, anxiety, and alcoholism, but on reflection, it seems I was portraying the symptoms and struggles of being autistic.

I love games, especially those with deep lore that I can spend hours looking into. The Fromsoftware games in particular, such as Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring. I was heavily invested in the story and lore of Destiny too, but as time went on that dropped off.

Music-wise, I guess you'd call my preferred genre Skate-Punk. I've always stuck with that style of clothing and music. NOFX are my favourite band of that genre. I do like lots of other music too, and I play acoustic guitar and sing. I've been attempting to learn the keyboard through youtube videos. My favourite bit of piano music is River Flows In You by Yiruma. I absolutely love that song.

Films I struggle with because of my attention span (I've been referred for an adhd assessment), which is funny because I'll watch hours of lore videos at a time. That said, I grew up liking horror films like Alien and The Thing, but I also love animation. 

Shows I watch on repeat are The Office, Community, Brooklyn 99, but I do love shows like Arcane very much too. Obvs Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad were amazing and I've watched BB about 5 or 6 times.

I have a rescue dog from Hungary who functions as my shadow. She rarely leaves my side and we're very close. I've always been able to interract with dogs and animals in a more authentic way than I have with people. I've been vegan for 12 years out of respect for animals, but I'm not in the business of giving anybody a hard time about that. I alienated a lot of friends and aquaintences years back with my passion for animals.

I'm currently trying to write my own picture books, since I work in that industry already. It's harder than you'd think. I constantly overthink it because I'm really interested in narrative. I end up with heaps of notes about character arcs and satisfying stories, and then usually give up because it becomes too overwhelming lol.

So yeah, I'd like to feel like I belong somewhere and I was directed here. I only have one friend that I talk to daily and one other friend that I can end up not talking to for months and months at a time, but I still consider him one of my best friends and favourite of people. 

Nice to meet you :)

  • Hello and welcome to the club of exceptional thinkers and overthinkers alike! Your introduction is practically a mini-autobiography—impressive! Winning gold with your animation? That’s no small feat, even if it turned out to be an unintended self-portrait. Sounds like you’ve got more layers than a Dark Souls dungeon! And about sticking to Skate-Punk style and music, never change; it’s not just a phase then, right? Here’s to not getting things together and rocking it anyway! Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures in picture book writing—and don’t worry, feeling overwhelmed is just part of the creative package deal. Nice to meet you too!

  • Hello and welcome to the club of exceptional thinkers and overthinkers alike! Your introduction is practically a mini-autobiography—impressive! Winning gold with your animation? That’s no small feat, even if it turned out to be an unintended self-portrait. Sounds like you’ve got more layers than a Dark Souls dungeon! And about sticking to Skate-Punk style and music, never change; it’s not just a phase then, right? Here’s to not getting things together and rocking it anyway! Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures in picture book writing—and don’t worry, feeling overwhelmed is just part of the creative package deal. Nice to meet you too!

  • Haha thank you! What an awesome welcome :) I'm glad I didn't go too far into oversharing territory, had to use restraint if you can believe it lol. 

    Also totally not just a phase haha I'd still ride a skateboard if I could balance. And if I wasn't scared of hurting my stupid older body lol