Hi :)

Hi, I'm Aisling.

I have autism, officially diagnosed since last year. It was such a blessing for me. I felt like I really knew myself at last. My parents still aren't fully accepting but they are at last coming round rather than thinking me lazy and just being difficult.

It's a lot to take in for all of us. I'm learning more about autism all the time, it helps me to deal with the hurdles it can bring. 

My special interest is music, I love to sing and play instruments. Sometimes I write music, I like writing, but I prefer creative writing and writing poetry.

I like reading. I was bullied a lot as a kid for being different and I found a peace and escape in books and reading.

I'm feeling more accepted now I know I'm autistic. I'm hoping I can find more acceptance and understanding here as well.

  • Welcome! I knew you were Irish. Smiley

    I hope you find the support you're looking for here. What music do you like? I like singing although I don't have much confidence. 

  • Thank you for the welcome, are you from Ireland as well? Blush 

    I listen to a little bit of everything, but right now I have been really listening to Ed Sheeran, I find i back relate to so much of his music and Beyonce.

    What are you getting into music-wise right now?

    I don't have a lot of confidence with singing either. I usually sing when I'm in my room, or when I'm home alone. I feel like I am getting more confidence though, the more I sing. 

    What do you like to sing?

  • Thank you for the welcome, are you from Ireland as well? Blush 

    I listen to a little bit of everything, but right now I have been really listening to Ed Sheeran, I find i back relate to so much of his music and Beyonce.

    What are you getting into music-wise right now?

    I don't have a lot of confidence with singing either. I usually sing when I'm in my room, or when I'm home alone. I feel like I am getting more confidence though, the more I sing. 

    What do you like to sing?
