
Hi, I actually failed to introduce myself at the beginning. I’m sorry, it looks little awkward. I’m not diagnosed and I’m not sure if or when I could get a diagnosis, as my family is not supportive. Currently waiting for my first appointment with a therapist. I have some sense, that I don’t deserve to be here, but I really love this place and its vibe. A lot of topics relate to me or describe perfectly what I experience, I definitely don’t belong to NT world. I always felt lost, not belonging, alone, different, as a kid asking aliens to kidnap me because I suffered in this world, I couldn’t even say why. Having weird interests like magnets and trams, often got labeled as creative, out of the box, very sensitive and shy. I went through severe depression as a teenager and young adult. Only recently the pieces of my life started making sense. Everything happened accidentally, because I heard the word “high functioning autism” in one interview. I got intrigued and checked it. I also recalled hearing some teachers commenting me that my behavior mimics autism, but I’m a female, and it usually affects boys. That stereotype is probably still alive but I hope awareness will defeat it and I really hope, that next generations of autistic children get support, love and validation which I lacked. 
Looking forward to connecting with the society. 

  • Hello and (belated) welcome to the forum. I don’t think I ever got round to introducing myself on here so you’re a step ahead of me Slight smile

    And you are welcome here, you don’t need a badge to join. There are online screeners that should give you a decent idea if you’re autistic. I can point you at them if you like, but the vast majority of autistic people are undiagnosed so please don’t worry about not “deserving” to be here. If the forum is of use to you then you are welcome and deserve to be here.

  • Thank you, I’ve researched already quite much, red articles and filled few AQs with results 39-45 also aspie quiz with high score and I just play videos on YouTube from people who are diagnosed and they talk about their experience or most common experience. I feel deep in my gut, that this is the description of me and my life. This forum is very helpful. If there is anything I missed in my research, you can share it I’ll be happy to check and learn more. 

  • Hey there 

    I am in the same place as you (undiagnosed) but well aware that I’m so different to the Nt community. This place has saved me from a very dark and lonely time in my life and cannot say enough good things about it. 
    im on here every single day and just feel like I fit here  which I’ve always seemed to be an outsider in my day to day life. 

    Really nice to meet you. Hope you enjoy being part of this community.

  • Hey there 

    I am in the same place as you (undiagnosed) but well aware that I’m so different to the Nt community. This place has saved me from a very dark and lonely time in my life and cannot say enough good things about it. 
    im on here every single day and just feel like I fit here  which I’ve always seemed to be an outsider in my day to day life. 

    Really nice to meet you. Hope you enjoy being part of this community.
