Career guidance

Hey guys 

I’m 18 years old with autism adhd and anxiety.

 I’m studying for a bachelors degree in Design and I’m currently about to finish foundation of design in 1st year,

I am anxious about choosing my bachelors degree in design in some specialisation.I was interested in UX because I wanted psychology but my fashion teacher said that I have good visualisation and asked me which specialisation I would take.My therapist told me to think about taking some other career than ux he said it could be challenging,What should I do? I have two weeks till my foundation in design ends, and next year my specialisation will start.He explained to me the difference with doing psychology and practising it, I’m scared I wouldn’t grow in this field,

can someone with experience guide me regarding this?

I was wondering if I should take a gap year or continue.

  • I think you should listen to yourself and what you want to do and not others, or at least don't give to much weight to the opinions of others. Well Duh, of course theres a difference between studying psychology and practising it! I'm sure if it had been known that I'm autistic before I did my counselling course I would have been advised against it and people would of said I'd be no good at it, but actually I was very good at it because I'm autistic. Because I can see all the neurotypical mind games and stuff I came at counselling with a bit of a different approach, I didn't get hooked into a clients stuff in the same way and had a different perspective, I was always the one my collegues came to when they were feeling overwhelmed too, so don't underestimate the sort of contribution you could make as a practising psychologist.

  • I think you should listen to yourself and what you want to do and not others, or at least don't give to much weight to the opinions of others. Well Duh, of course theres a difference between studying psychology and practising it! I'm sure if it had been known that I'm autistic before I did my counselling course I would have been advised against it and people would of said I'd be no good at it, but actually I was very good at it because I'm autistic. Because I can see all the neurotypical mind games and stuff I came at counselling with a bit of a different approach, I didn't get hooked into a clients stuff in the same way and had a different perspective, I was always the one my collegues came to when they were feeling overwhelmed too, so don't underestimate the sort of contribution you could make as a practising psychologist.

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