Career guidance

Hey guys 

I’m 18 years old with autism adhd and anxiety.

 I’m studying for a bachelors degree in Design and I’m currently about to finish foundation of design in 1st year,

I am anxious about choosing my bachelors degree in design in some specialisation.I was interested in UX because I wanted psychology but my fashion teacher said that I have good visualisation and asked me which specialisation I would take.My therapist told me to think about taking some other career than ux he said it could be challenging,What should I do? I have two weeks till my foundation in design ends, and next year my specialisation will start.He explained to me the difference with doing psychology and practising it, I’m scared I wouldn’t grow in this field,

can someone with experience guide me regarding this?

I was wondering if I should take a gap year or continue.

  • I’m scared I wouldn’t grow in this field,

    This is a natural fear for those without hands on experience - it is a fear of the unknown as much as anything else.

    You may be interested in the appilcation of psychology in the field of fashion - quite niche but always in demand. There is an interesting artice on it here:

    Ultimately the best choice is the field you love the most - it makes the work that bit easier and more rewarding so I would choose it every time over the one that maybe pays better or has more prestige.

  • I’m scared I wouldn’t grow in this field,

    This is a natural fear for those without hands on experience - it is a fear of the unknown as much as anything else.

    You may be interested in the appilcation of psychology in the field of fashion - quite niche but always in demand. There is an interesting artice on it here:

    Ultimately the best choice is the field you love the most - it makes the work that bit easier and more rewarding so I would choose it every time over the one that maybe pays better or has more prestige.

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