Seeing a GP with suspected Autism

Hi, I have been struggling for a number of years now with certain traits which ultimately lead to huge burn out and affects my children and my partner

I spoke to a GP 2 years ago who referred me to CBT, which I really struggled with as the GP disregarded autism and referred me with social anxiety and depression. I then felt like I only spoke about what would be expected of me and everything I said was almost scripted to tailor that diagnosis. The therapist then wondered if I had OCD which I agreed some traits might seem that way but I am not obsessive with it, I rely on things being a certain way and I would say I do things logically not uncontrollably. But the "OCD" label kept creeping in and I couldn't continue with CBT anymore, I felt like I wasn't being understood.

I've again reached burnout which is effecting my life and my family and booked in to see the GP, but wondering what I should say or do to put my point accross properly and hopefully get a referral for an autism diagnosis. (Which it may not actually be, but I really just want to be able to understand and find myself and get some answers at this point) I really struggle with going to an appointment then downplaying the situation, not getting my point accross, trying to say what I think might be expected but getting it wrong. So any help will be massively appreciated before going to this appointment . Pray

  • My advice would be to take some online autism tests. AQ10 and AQ50 (sometimes called just 'AQ') are the most commonly used by clinicians in this country, but the RAADS-R is the most definitive. They can be found here:

    If you score in the autism range it will give you ammunition to use on your GP to persuade them to refer you for assessment.

    If you have a spare £1,000 or so, you can refer yourself for a private autism assessment, no need to even inform your GP.

  • my daughter was given a link to complete a questionnaire and take it back to them psychiatry uk is the website. maybe do the assessment and print it off and take it with you ?