? I may have autism

Hi I am just looking for a bit of advice.  A while ago my cousin was diagnosed with ADHD and she mentioned that she thought my father may have autism    This felt like a bit of an eye opener and made me question all the struggles I have had in life.  I am constantly second guessing myself,  feeling paranoid that people are mad at me or don't like me and very awkward in social situations.  I have been on antidepressants for a number of years but feel I may have something else going on.  I over analyse everything,  certain sounds maje me feel like I'm going to exploid! I hate new or random situations,  I struggle to drive anywhere I'm unfamiliar with and change of routine makes me so nervous.  Do you think it is worth speaking to my GP about this? I don't know if I'm just overthinking things? 

Thanks Blush 

  • Hi, Yes, I would raise it with the GP but make sure to come prepared as GPs are not always very well informed or understanding- ideally take some of the online tests and print out results and maybe make a list of traits. 

    you question your autistic identity in a very autistic way- it's of course impossible for me to know if you are autistic based on one post (and i'm not a medical professional). 

  • Hi, Yes, I would raise it with the GP but make sure to come prepared as GPs are not always very well informed or understanding- ideally take some of the online tests and print out results and maybe make a list of traits. 

    you question your autistic identity in a very autistic way- it's of course impossible for me to know if you are autistic based on one post (and i'm not a medical professional). 

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