? I may have autism

Hi I am just looking for a bit of advice.  A while ago my cousin was diagnosed with ADHD and she mentioned that she thought my father may have autism    This felt like a bit of an eye opener and made me question all the struggles I have had in life.  I am constantly second guessing myself,  feeling paranoid that people are mad at me or don't like me and very awkward in social situations.  I have been on antidepressants for a number of years but feel I may have something else going on.  I over analyse everything,  certain sounds maje me feel like I'm going to exploid! I hate new or random situations,  I struggle to drive anywhere I'm unfamiliar with and change of routine makes me so nervous.  Do you think it is worth speaking to my GP about this? I don't know if I'm just overthinking things? 

Thanks Blush 

  • Hiya! For what it's worth I definitely think it's worth a trip to the GP if it's something you feel is affecting your life. I have a lot of the same struggles you mentioned too, and my GP referred me for an autism assessment which led to me being diagnosed. The things you described certainly sound like potential symptoms, but could be due to other factors too. Best thing to do is talk to a professional about your concerns and go from there. Hope you get some clarity and support Slight smile

  • Hiya! For what it's worth I definitely think it's worth a trip to the GP if it's something you feel is affecting your life. I have a lot of the same struggles you mentioned too, and my GP referred me for an autism assessment which led to me being diagnosed. The things you described certainly sound like potential symptoms, but could be due to other factors too. Best thing to do is talk to a professional about your concerns and go from there. Hope you get some clarity and support Slight smile

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