
Hi I'm CodeTNT. I'm autistic. I was diagnosed a while ago in my teens but since being an adult I've endured a few things and am in a constant battle with my inner demons and at times it's a struggle - there's no support out there and that makes things harder than they probably should be.

So far the only support I found is from MH services but they make me worse so I've been without their assistance for the last three years and feeling healthier now.

My near thirty years of life so far have been somewhat crazy. There's been good times and not so good times. I've spent most of those years in silence as I am more or less a mute. I don't get out much, I find myself isolated most of the time; spending the majority of my time in my bedroom.
I like computer programming - my special interest - and music, gaming, chess, films, reading, tv and writing.

There's not really much more to say about myself. I'm here to hopefully find out more ways to support myself and find belonging. I'm a thinker and a doer.

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