Advice on ADHD diagnoses

Hello, I had my assessment done and it’s come back and says I do not meet the criteria for ADHD. They said my symptoms are more likely to be due to anxiety and depression. I’m 100% certain they’re wrong as my symptoms are there when I don’t have anxiety or depression. Everything I read about ADHD is me and I feel like I finally understand myself and the reason I behave the way I do and why I struggle so much. 

I had my assessment done on the NHS and I’ve done some research and it says that the NHS won’t give a second opinion. My only option is to go private, however if I do that the NHS won’t accept it as it doesn’t match their criteria. This means I have to pay private for my prescriptions. 

when I had my assessment they focused so much on the bad aspects of my childhood I went into victim mode. A lot of the answers I gave were isolated incidents and not what I was like day to day. I don’t feel it was a true representation of myself. There is so much about my behaviour that I didn’t mention. 

I understand they’re the professionals but I just feel on this occasion they have me so wrong. I was referred after two psychiatrists said I have adhd and the third said autism. I feel I might have both and my autism traits mask my ADHD traits in work and school settings as I try to blend in. 

Do you think it’s worth writing to them and giving them more information or asking for a second assessment? It took me two years to get the assessment on the waiting list. Has anyone else done this? I’ve had all the treatment for anxiety and it’s done nothing. My anxiety I feel is caused by adhd symptoms 

  • Hiya, 

    im really sorry your assessment got declined, i found mine a very easy process, although i got mine sent privately through my autism assessor and i didnt have to pay anything 

    there should be a way to appeal for it, surely, maybe then your assessment would go to a different assessor and they might give you another chance? That’s the only thought i have without having to go private and paying god knows how much! 
    I know how stressful it is to get a diagnosis, it took me this long to get mine and my mum and I have been asking pretty much my whole life 

    I really hoped you get the result you deserve and I hope this helps!!