
Hello I'm Billy Kidd.

I'm autistic and like drawing. I started drawing and diving in to the world of art and colour with my sister when I was a kid. She sadly died in 2016 but I keep drawing.

It helps me stay sane and survive in this strange world.

  • There is a thread hereabouts who's name escapes me right now, where artistic talent is very much appreciated and you will find fellow talented drawers.

    If you draw cats, then there is my own thread with a far more memorable name of "Show Us Your Pu55y!" where so far it's all been photo's rather than drawings or paintings...

    I was sorry to read about your sister. May I suggest that you keep remembering the good stuff you did together, rather than mourning the loss you suffered? MY O/H has only sad memories of people or pets that she's lost, I chose the happier ones, (most of my significant grief inducing losses have been cats) which means that whenever a situation reminds me of a past shared experience it makes me happy and not sad. 

  • Hi I Sperg I'll keep a look out for that thread. I would like to showcase some of my drawings, not all of them as some are awful but some I think are worth showing.

    Great thread title!!! "Show Us Your Pu55y" I think that is the best thread title I have ever read online Grin I do have a cat actually.. Say hello to Shaggy....

    I'll look for your cat thread and share some more of my boy here. He's a sleepy cat most of the time but has a big heart and a love of spending time in the garden.

    I've never drawn him before though. That could be a future project now it's been suggested.

    Good for you on remembering the good times. I try to do the same. Remembering the sad stuff just brings you down - makes you sad and leaves darkness in your heart. Happy things are what should be remembered and that's what I try to do now.

    It's what my sister would want as well. She was a very happy person, always smiling and had a great sense humour and that's what I try and remember.

    Thanks for the welcome here.

  • Hi I Sperg I'll keep a look out for that thread. I would like to showcase some of my drawings, not all of them as some are awful but some I think are worth showing.

    Great thread title!!! "Show Us Your Pu55y" I think that is the best thread title I have ever read online Grin I do have a cat actually.. Say hello to Shaggy....

    I'll look for your cat thread and share some more of my boy here. He's a sleepy cat most of the time but has a big heart and a love of spending time in the garden.

    I've never drawn him before though. That could be a future project now it's been suggested.

    Good for you on remembering the good times. I try to do the same. Remembering the sad stuff just brings you down - makes you sad and leaves darkness in your heart. Happy things are what should be remembered and that's what I try to do now.

    It's what my sister would want as well. She was a very happy person, always smiling and had a great sense humour and that's what I try and remember.

    Thanks for the welcome here.

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