

I'm ADHD and my youngest son is awaiting assessment for possible autism. He's probably got a bit of ADHD thrown in.

He's got a lot of issues around school that have been going back over a year. He's attendance plummeted and before that he was spending break and lunch in learning support.

We have moved school and dropped him down a year but the issues haven't gone away and his attendance is where it was before.

School were initially supportive but now they are hinting about asking for evidence to back up the attendance. 

I'm not with his Mum anymore and our views on all of this couldn't be further apart. She is I feel in denial about the possible autism and has called him a lazy slob.

I'm here to link up with other parents to see what has helped them as I feel like I am running out of ideas.

I feel like the system is failing him but at the same time it's still expecting things of us.